If you want a little help with your manifesting but don't know where to start then these 5 free law of attraction apps are just what you need.
Most days you have your phone by your side and rather than letting it be a distraction, you can let it help you manifest something that you want.
All the law of attraction apps mentioned below are free or there's an element which is free which is all you need.
I won't keep you waiting.
Let's get stuck straight in!
5 Law Of Attraction Apps To Help With Your Manifesting
The first law of attraction app is the…
Law Of Attraction Toolbox App

This is a great app. It is your law of attraction toolbox that you can take with you on the go.
It has games, tools, and exercises to help raise your vibration and attract what you want to manifest.
Games included in the app are:
- Feel As If Game
- Receive & Spend Game
- The Magic – Daily Gratitude
- Thank You Journal Game
- List of Positive Aspects
- Daily Wants List
- Focus Wheel
- Appreciation Game
- Rampages of Appreciation
A lot of these games are built around the teachings of Abraham-Hicks and The Secret.
For a law of attraction app this one of the better ones.
Some of the tools and game have limits on how many times a day you can use them in free mode but you'll still get value in using this app without the paid upgrade.
A cool tool the app has is the Abraham Hicks 68-second timer.
In Abrahams teachings, it's said that 17 seconds of pure thought will ignite the manifestation process and at 68 seconds you will have fully activated the law of attraction to bring about your desire.
Have you got 68 seconds spare to manifest something amazing?
ThinkUp Positive Affirmation App

Instead of having to keep repeating affirmations to yourself over and over, why not record them once and then play them in the background as you do your day to day stuff.
Affirmations are a powerful tool to change old limiting beliefs or to install new empowering beliefs that will serve you for your highest good.
Personally, I find it easy to forget to keep saying affirmations and it's hard to remember a few to say at once.
With this app, I just record about 10-15 affirmations with their built-in recorder and then I play them in a random loop for an hour or 2 when I'm doing routine things like driving, housework or going to the gym.
With this app you can:
- Record affirmations in your own voice
- Choose affirmations from their professionally crafted list, or use them as inspiration for your own.
- Play background music to make listening to your affirmation feel more uplifting.
- Track your daily practice with their Mindful Minutes metrics.
They have 300+ affirmations in 10 different life categories.
I find it really helpful to pick and choose their well-written ones and then simply record them in my voice.
When you listen with uplifting music it really helps program new thoughts and behaviors into the subconscious mind.
Next up is the…
Hay House NOW App

This app is great if you love to listen to audios. It has a massive selection of personal development titles.
…nearly all focused on metaphysical type audios.
The app gives you 5 free audios including Ask and It Is Given (one of the Abraham teachings I mentioned earlier), Wayne Dyer Change your thoughts change your life and others which is hours worth of free listening.
For a long time, I was signed up with audible and I have been paying 10 bucks a month for about 4 years.
With audible you get 1 audiobook download a month.
If you subscribe to the Hay House app you can listen to ALL their audiobooks, lectures, courses and videos for just $10 a month.
That's a bargain considering most of the audiobooks on their own are from $20-$40 on average.
It includes all the top metaphysical authors including Jerry and Ester hicks, Wayne Dyer, Joe Dispenza, Sonia Choquette and many more.
Next app is…
Law Of Attraction Library App

This law of attraction app is 100% FREE.
It has 50+ law of attraction books.
- The Science Of Getting Rich
- The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind
- As A Man Thinketh
- The Game Of Life And How To Play It
- Your Word Is Your Wand
- And many more classics.
Also, there are many free audios books.
The only downside to this app is you will have to watch a 10-second ad before you read a book or listen to an audiobook, but I think that's fair considering this law of attraction app is completely FREE! Yay 🙌
Jack Canfield Vision Board App

Does what it says on the tin. Let's you create a vision board … on your phone.
It makes it a lot easier to make a vision board as you won't need to cut up any magazines or print any pics.
Just create it on your phone and make time to view it and visualize your goals each day.
Here are some of the cool things you can do with the app:
- Create as many vision boards as you want
- Search their library of inspiring images, or you can upload your own
- Use their library of affirmations, or create your own
- Record your own voice and add your uplifting music to a vision board
- Add an alarm to set reminders to visualize your goals
This app is completely free as well which great.
I'm not gonna say you should use this instead of a physical vision board but this is a great addition to use in conjunction with your main vision board.
Bonus: Podcast App

This isn't a law of attraction app but you can listen to some great LOA podcasts.
Here's some of the law of attraction podcasts available:
- The Mind Your Business Podcast
- Journey to Manifesting with Sarah Prout
- The Manifesting Mum
- Flowdreaming for Meditation and Manifesting
- Subconscious Mind Mastery Podcast
- LOA Recon with the Good Vibe Coach
- Law of Attraction Secrets
- Law of Attraction Talk Radio
Plently to listen to there.
I love podcasts as it's a great way to learn whilst at the gym or driving.
I'm sure you've got times where you could listen to a podcast and wouldn't take up any more of your day.
If you keep filling your mind with the positive messages in these podasts then you will naturally get better at using the law of attraction to manifest your desires.
One tip could radically transform your life.
There ya go.
5 Law of attraction apps. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
Enjoy, and happy manifesting ✌️
Alan is the founder of Subconscious Servant. He has a passion for learning about topics such as spirituality and the metaphysical world. The thing he loves to explore most though is manifesting with the law of attraction ✨.
Sunday 6th of September 2020
I am excited to try these Law of Attraction apps! I have been using the secret app and I really like that one too. What a great resource, thank you!
Wednesday 11th of December 2019
Thank you! I am loving all of your articles!