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The Spiritual Meaning of Waking up at 3 AM (The Witching Hour)

The Spiritual Meaning of Waking up at 3 AM (The Witching Hour)

Finding yourself awakening at 3 am? Perhaps you've just been awakened and you’re now on the internet in search of answers, typing queries such as “why do I wake up at 3am spiritual”?

You're not alone. Far from being a mere coincidence, these early morning awakenings often carry a deeper spiritual message.

In this article, we'll explore the spiritual reasons behind your 3 am wake-up calls.

Things You Should Know:

  • The 3 am wake-up often holds spiritual significance, known as the “witching hour” when the veil between worlds is thinnest.
  • Your guardian angels and spirit guides are more likely to send you messages at this hour.
  • The astral plane could be a destination your soul visits, possibly causing your wake-up.
  • This time is conducive for practices like meditation, prayer, and manifestation.
  • Keeping a pen and notepad by your bed can help you capture any messages or insights received.

The Spiritual Significance Of 3 am

You probably have heard of the phrase the witching hour.

The “witching hour” refers to the time between 3 and 4 am, when the veil between realms is thin. 

Historically, it was believed to be when supernatural beings were most active. 

This time is when our world is interacting with higher realms of existence and therefore allows our souls to travel through different realms.

It also means that our spiritual guides and angels can travel to Earth to give us messages. 

This would explain the spiritual significance, as many people continue to wake up at this hour.

Spiritual Reasons For Waking Up At 3 am Every Night

Now you know the general spiritual significance of 3 am, let’s see the spiritual meaning of waking up at 3 am and discover why this is happening to you. 

1. Angels and Spirits Are Sending You Messages

Image of woman lying awake in bed with angel hovering over her while she is thinking why do I wake up at 3am.

If you wake at 3 am every night, One reason why is because of your guardian angels and spirits. 

Because the veil between this world and other worlds is thin at this time it is believed to be when our angels and spirits are more likely to enter this universe. 

They often send us messages discreetly, for example, using numbers. 

Angel number 3, for example, signifies a connection to divine energies and suggests that your spiritual guides are helping you achieve greater balance and clarity in your life.  

When we are sleeping, our day-to-day inhibitions are gone, and therefore, our minds are more open to receiving messages from otherworldly beings.

When we are awake, we will often shrug off spiritual messages and try to rationalize them. 

However, when we are asleep, we are more likely to accept the messages that we are receiving.

Because of this, our guardian angels and spirits will often send us messages in our sleep. 

Just make sure to always try to let go of your skepticism and open yourself to the messages that your guardian angels and spirits may be trying to send you.

Tip: Keep a pen and notepad handy at your bedside in case you can remember anything your angels and spirits told you. 

2. You Are Coming Back From The Astral Plane

The astral plane is a level of existence that is beyond the physical. We will often travel there in our sleep via our astral body and meet guiding spirits.

We might not be able to remember it when we wake up, but a lot of people do practice astral projection while awake.

This is often called an Out of Body Experience (OBE), when our spirit detaches itself from our physical body. 

Astral projection is heavily linked to dreaming and sleep, specifically REM sleep. REM sleep is the deepest stage of sleep, and this is where our brains are most active.

This usually happens in the early hours of the morning, just before 3 am. 

When our astral body returns to our physical body in this world, we may get a jolt.

Waking up at 3 am every night may be caused by this.

3. Your Soul is Awakening 

Image representing a woman's soul awakening in her sleep

To wake up at 3 am holds another meaning, which is of your soul is awaking.

Sleep is when our inhibitions are gone, and our minds are open to new ideas and phenomena.

Because of this, our soul is very lively during sleep. 

At this early hour, your soul is actively exploring connections with the spiritual realm and other divine entities. 

This heightened spiritual activity is often powerful enough to stir you from your sleep, marking a profound inner transformation.

4. We Are Connecting With Higher Realms of Existence

While asleep and especially near 3 am, your awakened soul acts as a conduit to higher dimensions and parallel universes. 

This spiritual interconnectivity allows for engagements with souls that have transitioned beyond our worldly existence. 

These connections can be exhilarating yet emotionally intense, often prompting your soul to retreat back into your physical form, causing you to wake.

5. Time for Manifestation

Woman sitting up in bed after awaking at 3 am to practice manifesting.

3 am is a pretty magical hour. There seems to be nothing really going on in the physical world – everyone is asleep!

However, a lot is going on in the spiritual world. 

3 am is when the world is quiet, but our souls, angels, and spirits are awake. 

Keep in mind, that there is magic and energy in the air that is coming from higher realms of existence. 

You may wake up at 3 am because your mind knows that this is the best time to harness this energy and use it to manifest.

There is a sense of heightened spiritual activity during this hour, making it a potent time for manifestation

Because of the vibrational frequencies coming from spiritual realms during the hour of 3 am, it is an ideal time to manifest. 

Simply sit up in bed and begin! You can try visualizing, affirmations, MindMovies, or journaling. 

If you don’t know where to start, check out these do’s and don’ts when it comes to manifesting!  

Also, consider having some crystals near your bed that are perfect for manifesting. Their vibrations will work with yours to enhance your practice.

Is There A Biblical Meaning Of Waking Up At 3 am?

Woman in bed praying at 3 am in the morning

Waking up at 3 am, in biblical terms, is often considered a good omen, signaling a strong spiritual connection and an opportunity for divine communication. 

In the Bible, 3 is also a number that signifies the holy Trinity.

Here are some key points to consider about the biblical meaning of waking up at this spiritually potent hour:

  • Spiritual Timing: This time of night is extremely spiritual, aligning well with biblical significance.
  • Strong Connection to God: If you're waking up at 3 am, it indicates that your link to God is particularly strong.
  • Divine Prompting: This is a period when God is actively prompting you to connect and engage with Him.
  • Time for Prayer: 3 am is an optimal time to pray and communicate directly with God.
  • Guidance and Pathfinding: God will listen to your prayers and work with you to help you discover your spiritual path.

Should You Do Anything About Waking Up At 3 am Every Night?

Waking up at 3 am has many spiritual reasons, as this time is often considered a moment when our world is more closely linked to other realms of existence. Here are some suggestions if you find yourself waking up at this time:

  • Keep a Pen and Notepad Handy: Always have a pen and notepad by your bed. This enables you to jot down any thoughts or feelings you experience.
  • Pay Attention to Your Feelings: Take note of how you feel and what you're thinking when you wake up. This could be a message from guardian angels or spirits.
  • Consider Spiritual Practices: Rather than going back to sleep immediately, you may want to engage in spiritual activities like meditation, prayer, or manifestation.

By taking these steps, you are acknowledging that your soul is awake and connected with higher realms of consciousness, making it a valuable time for spiritual growth.

Why Do I Wake Up At The Same Time Each Night?

Woman awake in bed at night with multiple clocks

If you find yourself waking up at the same time every night, you might be puzzled or even concerned. This pattern can be due to various factors, both biological and spiritual.

Biological and Psychological Reasons

  • Circadian Rhythm: If you suddenly wake up at the same time each night, it could be linked to your body's internal clock. This clock regulates your sleep-wake cycle, hormonal levels, and body temperature.
  • Stress and Anxiety: Disruptions in your circadian rhythm, particularly when you’re stressed or anxious, can lead to waking up consistently at the same time.
  • Sleep Apnea: Another factor to consider is sleep apnea, a condition that temporarily halts your breathing and wakes you up.

If you find you're consistently waking up during the same 2-hour window, pay attention to your emotional and psychological well-being as this may reveal some clues as to the cause.

If you're struggling with sleep, it may be worth contacting BetterHelp or a local specialist for professional advice.

Spiritual Reasons

  • Spiritual Growth: Waking up at the same time could be a positive sign that you're in a period of spiritual growth.
  • Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides: Many believe these wake-up calls come from your guardian angels or spirit guides, trying to send you a specific message.

If you're inclined towards spirituality, consulting a psychic medium might help you find out what the spiritual realm is trying to communicate.

What Does It Mean To Wake At 3 Am – FAQs

Is waking up at 3 am spiritual, or can it be due to other factors?

Waking up at 3 am could have spiritual significance, often referred to as the “witching hour,” when spiritual energy is at its peak. However, it may also be a sign of insomnia or other sleep disorders. Emotional stress can be another factor. In essence, waking up at this time could be due to a variety of reasons, both spiritual and biological.

What's the spiritual meaning of waking up at 3:30 am, compared to 3 am?

Waking up at precisely 3:30 am could carry additional significance to waking at 3 am. In angel numbers, 3:30 stands for balance, growth, and inspiration. This specific time becomes a message encouraging you to focus on these aspects of your life and spiritual journey.

What does waking up at 3 each night indicate about my spiritual journey?

To wake up at 3 am consistently can indicate that your spirit is learning and growing. Some interpret this as an omen or a sign that you are receiving guidance from the spirit world or a divine entity. You may feel that energies around you are encouraging you to spend time contemplating what you want in your spiritual path.

How can I go back to sleep if I wake up at 3 am?

To go back to sleep, focus on your breath and try to relax your mind. Avoid looking at electronic devices, as the blue light can disturb your circadian rhythm. 

Is waking up at the same time every night a bad omen?

Waking up at the same time every night is not a bad omen. While it might disturb your sleep cycle, it could also be a sign that there's something you have to pay attention to, either medically or spiritually. 


Friday 16th of December 2022

A voice inside my head upon waking is telling me to paint. I don't paint. I have no drawing or painting ability. Though i would love to be able to paint, and be a painter and then sell my paintings.

Alan Young

Monday 26th of December 2022

Thank you for opening up about your story of wanting to paint after waking up at 3am. It could be that there is something inside of you that needs to express itself through creativity even though you don't have much painting experience. Understandably, it can be intimidating to try something new. However, I suggest exploring this urge and seeing what comes out of it. The journey is more important than any particular outcome; enjoy the process as painting, it can give you a sense of joy and purpose whether or not you become a professional artist or sell your work.